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Archaeology – Aberdeen

December 16, 2018


Archaeology - Aberdeen Review

by Anonymous

December 16, 2018

Overall Rating
Course Rating

Elitist Administration, Outdated Operations, Disregard for International Students, Shoddy Upkeep on Classrooms and Buildings


One of the best archaeology programmes that provides hands-on lab and field experience from the start and has an overall focus on archaeology of the north. Great resources for research and career preparation, In particular to students in archaeology or history, this area is rich in both and one doesn't have to travel far to get work experience. Despite what others have stated, the weather in Aberdeen is come of the best in Scotland--we have more sun and less rain and snow than other parts.


The worst parts fall to the university's administration. They build an elitist culture on campus that displays little regard towards students. If you are an international student, you are marginalised and made to feel not welcome save for the money you put into the institution. Support services for anyone other than home students are terrible. The systems the university uses for course enrolment, exam scheduling, course assessment, grade posting, and even submitting a suggestion or complaint are outdated, laborious, bureaucratic and an overall headache. Should you ever have an opinion or a complaint on a matter, the university will treat you as a criminal and place you on trial with a hearing, opening and closing statements, submittal of evidence, etc. Faculty and the university stand by the "first two years of grades don't count" far too much rather than address inadequacies of staff, assessment and grading. The classrooms are very run down and in need of upgrades. When you realise that the head of facilities makes more money than the average university president in the US, you can see why money doesn't get funneled into student support and classroom upkeep. The structure of the university is also irregular in that there is no middle between department heads and top executives. This makes a micromanaged atmosphere across the board the stimies individuality. Faculty and departments could and should have more resources available to them but, instead, are forced to operate within multiple roles in addition to their teaching and research. As far as social activity goes, for a city, Aberdeen does lack some bits that would make it more desirable--namely any activity past 6:00 pm in City Centre. Transport is expensive and run by two different companies--both of which are always, at the very least, 15 minutes behind. Hoping to catch a train to Edinburgh or Glasgow for the day? You'll pay close to £50 or more. Aberdeen is easy to get around, though, and many day trips can be had on the bus for around £10 (student price). Plus, the area is pretty safe.


If you choose Scotland but complain about the rain and cool weather, you should maybe go somewhere else. Aberdeen does have many good qualities and is great for those who come from smaller areas and are experiencing city living for the first time. Be mindful that jobs are hard to get, especially if you are an international student.

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